Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cozy up and Read...will you join us?

Lakeside families,

You are invited to "Cozy up and Read" with us on Friday, Feb. 24 from 12:45-1:30 pm. All parents, grandparents, and relatives interested in joining us for a whole-school reading event are welcome to come! (Please remember you must have a CBC- criminal background check on file with the school district.)

A lime green sheet came home yesterday to sign up for "Cozy up and Read". We hope to have many volunteers joining us for this event!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Finishing up the tumbling unit

Here are third graders finishing up the tumbling unit with team building activities. Next physical education unit coming up...dance!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lakeside Moves to Jefferson for the day...and learning remains a priority!

Today was quite an interesting day for Lakeside...the water pump broke and we had to move to Jefferson Elementary to continue learning for the day! Jefferson welcomed us with open arms, and teachers were able to continue teaching in a new environment. These pictures show the great learning that took place today!

Early Release!

It's early release today...we're out at 2:45pm!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Buddy Reading Pictures

Lakeside has been hoppin' lately...too busy to blog! I'll make sure to post more next week. Here are some great buddy pictures from today. Enjoy!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Help...we need somebody!

Parents, are you available to volunteer at Lakeside during these times:

Wednesdays: 2:10-2:30 pm (recess duty) and/or 3:30-4:00 pm (bus duty)
Fridays: 2:10-2:30 pm (recess duty) and/or 3:30-4:00 pm (bus duty)

We need your help! Please contact the office @ 424.0131 if you can volunteer!
Thank you!

PS- Don't forget to "friend" us on this blog! :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Pictures from today

Here's a couple pictures from today of students sharing and working playing Jeopardy on the Smartboard!


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Learners of ALL ages!

Learners for Life is our mission...and it's what teachers believe about themselves, too! Students were released from school early on Wednesday, and while students were away playing, teachers were collaborating! Our school improvement goal is to meet individual student needs with research-based interventions. We are working hard and this picture shows teachers reading and reflecting on their progress made so far this year. Learners for Life...you bet!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Second Grade Uses "Action" in Science

Our second grade students are learning about gravity and forces in science and using active learning to understand the concepts of push and pull. Today I found them scratching their head, taking off their shoes, and walking around the room! All examples included questions about the type of force they were using. Keep up the great work, second grade scientists!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Spelling Successes in Third Grade

Students in Mrs. Klas's classroom worked on solving spelling sorts that involved finding small word chunks within larger spelling words. Try this out: How many smaller words can you make out of the word scratch? (hat, car, rat...) Way to go, third graders!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Technology Excitement @ Lakeside!

If you thought 3 Smartboards in the building was exciting, how do you feel about 7?! On Friday, four more Smartboards were installed in classrooms at Lakeside. The kids (and teachers!) were SO excited! Check out this picture of installation in Mrs. Grasley's room. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Getting Back Into The Groove

As you walk through Lakeside's halls, you can see the students easing back into the routine...and enjoying every minute of it! I read with a few students in Mrs. Wagner's first grade classroom today and WOW those students are really working hard on fluent reading and sounding out words! Check out a few pictures of these first graders enjoying reading!