Thursday, November 8, 2012

November's Fun Food of the Month

November's Fun Food of the Month is Fennel! Fennel is a crunchy, slightly sweet vegetable. It is composed of a bulb and stalks that look like celery. Students at Lakeside will taste-test fennel on Thursday, November 15 during lunch.

Parents, if you are interested in helping out with this taste-testing experience, please let us know! 424.0131. 


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Spirit Wear Update

Hello Families,

We have a few extra orange Lakeside t-shirts for sale in the office. They are $7.00, and first come, first serve!

A few Lakeside parents have been inquiring about another Spirit Wear sale for our school. We are looking for a parent to coordinate a Spirit Wear sale. If you are interested, please call the office 424.0131. We would love to have t-shirts, sweatshirts, and other fun spirit wear items for sale before (or after) the holidays. Let us know if you can help!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day at Lakeside photos...and more!

Yesterday was Election Day at Lakeside, and all students voted for President of the United States and their favorite type of cookie (chocolate chip or sugar). Our library/media staff, Mrs. Zunker and Mrs. Dey showed the students a fun video clip on the importance of voting and had a voting booth at school set up. Check out the pictures of voting at Lakeside!

And...the winner is...

President: Barack Obama (66%)

Cookie: Sugar cookie with frosting (54%)

All students will celebrate the winners today with a cookie during lunch!
Thanks to Mrs. Zunker and Mrs. Dey for making this cool experience happen at Lakeside!