Thursday, December 6, 2012

Annual Food Drive and Spirit Wear Sale

Lakeside Families,

We are currently collecting canned and boxed food donations for the Annual Kiwanis food drive. All food items will be collected by Kiwanis next week Wednesday. Please consider contributing an item or two!

A Spirit Wear order form will be coming home with your child Friday! Please take a look at the variety of spirit wear items to purchase, including: t-shirts, long sleeve t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, winter pajama pants, and winter hats! All orders are due by Friday, December 21 along with payment. These items will arrive after the holiday break. Look for more information coming home tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Holiday Store is coming this FRIDAY!

Hello Lakeside Families!

The holiday store is coming to Lakeside this Friday, December 7! Please look for information coming home on yellow paper from the PTO coordinators about the holiday store either tonight or tomorrow.

What is the holiday store? 
The holiday store is a fun, inexpensive shopping experience for all Lakeside students. The PTO has been organizing the holiday store for years. Students can secretly shop for family members. The students will be able to select four items to purchase during their morning visit, and during the afternoon, students can purchase more items if they have the dollars to do so. Students are not supposed to shop for themselves, but are encouraged to shop for others in their family.

How much money should I send for holiday shopping?
The majority of items will be $5.00 or less. It is up to you to decide how much money you'd like to send with your child for holiday shopping. Cash or check (made out to Lakeside PTO) should be in an envelope marked with your child's name. Include a list of who to shop for, and if all money should be spent, or not. If you do not want your child to shop, please send a note to their teacher.

How can I get involved?
If you haven't volunteered yet and would still like to, please join the PTO coordinators and other parents in the gym on Friday to help students shop and wrap gifts. The holiday store will be open from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm, with a lunch provided at 11:30 am. Donations of tissue paper, tape, gift tags, and gift bags, are also needed and can be sent in any day this week.

Thank you and we hope to have another successful year of holiday shopping! :)