Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sculpture Building at Lakeside this Saturday!

Dear Lakeside Families,

A note is coming home tonight from our art teacher, Ms. King, about the sculpture building that will take place this Saturday, June 1st at Lakeside. We will work with sculptor, Brock Rumohr, to design sculptures that the students have been working on with Ms. King to represent the 9 Civilities. Over $2500 has been raised to build these sculptures- (thanks to the SOAR grant and PTO for funding parts of this project)!

Please return the bottom of the yellow note that came home today so that we can plan for the number of people joining us on Saturday. Bring your whole family along, and bring any yard games you'd like to play when you are not working on the sculptures!

A quick re-cap:

  • When: Saturday, June 1st- 11am- 3pm
  • Where: Lakeside, back of the school, in the gym if it's raining
  • What: Sculpture Building, Bring your own picnic lunch @ 12:30, game stations set up by our gym teacher, Mr. Roloff
I look forward to seeing many of you on Saturday!
Mrs. Ashton