Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Looking ahead to the 2013-14 school year...

Hello Lakeside Families,

I hope you are enjoying the hot summer weather and plenty of family time together! Here are a few updates, reminders, and pleas for help for you to consider:

  • The Boys and Girls Club will provide care after school only. There will not be before school care next year. 
  • We are no longer a late start school. Our school day will begin at 7:55 am and end at 2:35 pm, like all other elementary schools in the district.
  • Our recess times will be combined for next year, allowing students to have a longer break during recess and lunch, and more focused learning (less transitions) during the morning and afternoon sessions in the classroom. The extended recess and lunch time will be from 11:00 am- 12:00 pm. More information about this will be given to you in the Registration mailing that comes home in August.
  • MY PLEA TO YOU: We are looking for 2 or 3 parents to help out with lunch and recess supervision each day. If you are available to help, even if it's one or two days a week, please email me to let me know. With the change in recess and lunch, we will need more coverage. 
Remind your little loved ones to keep reading and writing throughout the summer. We all look forward to seeing their growth as a new school year begins in September!

Take care,
Mrs. Ashton :)