Friday, September 27, 2013

Lakeside Update- 9.27.13

Hello Lakeside Families,

I have a few exciting updates to share with you.

  • Today's Book Swap at Lakeside was a major success! Seventy students participated. Look for pictures and more information on the next Book Swap coming soon. Thank you to Mrs. Carns, our literacy resource teacher, for organizing the Book Swap.
  • Coming Up in October...
    • We will celebrate "Walk to School" Day on Wednesday, Oct. 9--even though students really can't walk to Lakeside. We will celebrate with physical activity. Look for more details in the next Paw Print newsletter!
    • On Friday, Oct. 18, our art sculptures from last year will be put in the ground and we will have a short celebration and sculpture "unveiling" at 2:15 pm. Families are welcome to join us! 
    • On Tuesday, Oct. 22, we will have our first Lakeside Family Literacy Night! Mark your calendars NOW for this exciting event (5:30-7:00 pm) Dinner will be provided by the PTO!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Mrs. Ashton :)