Monday, December 16, 2013

Holiday Concert

Dear Lakeside Families,

Our holiday concert is tomorrow, Tuesday, Dec. 17 at 5:30pm! Please be sure to have your children at Alberta Kimball Auditorium (at West High School) by 5:10pm. We are looking forward to hearing beautiful voices filling the auditorium with holiday joy!

One last tid-bit...
On Wednesday, we will have a whole-school PAJAMA DAY! Please make sure to dress your child in their warmest jammies and slippers. We look forward to seeing everyone comfy and warm on Wednesday!

Stay warm,
Mrs. Ashton

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Holiday Store, Spirit Wear, Magic much going on at Lakeside!

Dear Families,

Here are a few important updates for the rest of this week:

  • The holiday store is coming to Lakeside on Friday! Please feel free to pick up your child after school on Friday. Many students have bags full of goodies after shopping at the holiday store--and sometimes it's hard to fit all their items on the bus. 
  • The spirit wear sale is extended until Friday, December 6. Thanks for considering a spirit wear purchase!
  • Today, the Kiwanis came to Lakeside for a magic show! This show is put on for students to thank them for the food drive donations. Enjoy a picture--more to come in the newsletter!