Monday, June 4, 2012

2012-2013 Enrollment Update

An update on next year...

You may have heard that our incoming kindergarten class numbers were higher than anticipated. The OASD student to teacher ratio for kindergarten-second grade is 24 students to one classroom teacher. We had over 55 new kindergarteners register to attend Lakeside for the 2012-2013 school year, which puts our school over capacity.
In collaboration with our Central Office, the decision was made to move new kindergarteners (new families to Lakeside) north of Ripple Road and east of the airport to Smith Elementary school to fill existing space in their kindergarten class numbers. This means that we will continue to have two sections of grades K-3, like this year.
Families of the students moving to Smith have already been notified of the change. 
If you have any questions, please call the school office. 
Thank you!
-Mrs. Ashton

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