Friday, August 31, 2012

First Day Excitement!

Hello Lakeside Families,

Please join us on Tuesday, September 4 for our "Party on the Playground and Countdown to Day 1" at 8:30 am. Music will begin at 8:30 am. Once all busses arrive, we will have a countdown and joyfully enter the building to start a great 2012-2013 school year!

If you did not bring your family picture for our school bulletin board at Open House, you can send it with your child any day next week. We are looking forward to seeing all of our School Family up on the board!

See you very soon,
Mrs. Ashton

Friday, August 24, 2012

Open House is next week!

Lakeside Students and Families,

I hope you are enjoying another beautiful summer weekend. It was great to see so many smiling faces at Registration last week. We are so excited to see you again at Open House! Open House is Thursday, August 30th from 4:00-5:30pm at Lakeside. You can bring your school supplies and check out your classroom when you visit.

You will enter Door #1 in the front of the building for Open House. If you can, please bring with you a picture of your family (a 4 by 6 photo is perfect!). Our bulletin board in the front lobby will feature pictures of all of our Lakeside families as a reminder that together, we are all one big Lakeside School Family.

Welcome to the start of an exciting year and see you soon,

Mrs. Ashton

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Registration is tomorrow at Lakeside!

Hello Lakeside Families!

We are so excited to see you tomorrow (Thursday, August 16) for Registration! Registration is from 10am-1pm and 4pm-6pm. Please enter the building on the north side at Door #8; Registration will be held in the gym. Remember, school pictures will be taken at Registration, so bring your best smile along! :)

If your child is out of town, you may still come to Registration to drop off forms. A picture re-take day is scheduled for Wednesday, September 19.

Additional Updates: New Staff at Lakeside!

Lakeside is pleased to welcome several new staff members this year:

  • Please welcome Nicole Rockel, our new Kindergarten teacher. Nicole is a UW-Oshkosh grad and is very excited about joining the Lakeside community!
  • Please welcome Sara Lloyd, our new Cross-Categorical Special Education teacher. Sara has been teaching in Ripon for the past few years, and taught in Oshkosh before that. She is happy to be back to the Oshkosh Area School District and will work part-time at Lakeside and part-time at Oaklawn.
  • Please welcome Andy Roloff, our new Physical Education teacher. Andy has been teaching at Franklin and Shapiro, and used to teach at Green Meadow years ago. He will be at Lakeside and Franklin this year. 
  • Please welcome Katie Dahlvig, our School Psychologist. Katie completed her intern experience in Oshkosh, and is looking forward to joining the school district. Katie will also work at South Park, Jefferson, Smith, and Shapiro.
If you have any questions about Registration, please give us a call at 424.0131. 
See you soon,

Mrs. Ashton 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's your family thinking about school?!

Hello Lakeside Families and Friends!

Can you believe how fast summer is going? It's August! I don't know about you, but I'm gearing up for school! We are preparing the building for students, making copies of Registration and Open House materials, and planning for a great year ahead!

Here are a few notes to consider this month:
-Is your child reading and writing at home often? Don't let the "summer slide" happen to your child! Reading scores do tend to recede if your child does not continue to practice reading throughout the summer. Go to the library, a local book store, or read online with your child this summer!
-Are you continuing to practice forward and backward counting, and skip counting (count by 2's or 3's, etc.)? These skills are important to practice at all grade levels. It will help prepare your child for basic math facts!
-Have you gotten school supplies yet? Remember to find Lakeside's school supply list at your favorite "back to school" store around town!
-Parents: Are you available to volunteer during recess or lunch times this year? We are looking for a few parent volunteers to help us. The times we need help are Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-8:50 am, and Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:30am-12:15pm. Please email me ( if you can help!

I look forward to seeing lots of smiling faces at Registration in just two weeks!

Mrs. Ashton