Friday, August 24, 2012

Open House is next week!

Lakeside Students and Families,

I hope you are enjoying another beautiful summer weekend. It was great to see so many smiling faces at Registration last week. We are so excited to see you again at Open House! Open House is Thursday, August 30th from 4:00-5:30pm at Lakeside. You can bring your school supplies and check out your classroom when you visit.

You will enter Door #1 in the front of the building for Open House. If you can, please bring with you a picture of your family (a 4 by 6 photo is perfect!). Our bulletin board in the front lobby will feature pictures of all of our Lakeside families as a reminder that together, we are all one big Lakeside School Family.

Welcome to the start of an exciting year and see you soon,

Mrs. Ashton

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