Monday, December 16, 2013

Holiday Concert

Dear Lakeside Families,

Our holiday concert is tomorrow, Tuesday, Dec. 17 at 5:30pm! Please be sure to have your children at Alberta Kimball Auditorium (at West High School) by 5:10pm. We are looking forward to hearing beautiful voices filling the auditorium with holiday joy!

One last tid-bit...
On Wednesday, we will have a whole-school PAJAMA DAY! Please make sure to dress your child in their warmest jammies and slippers. We look forward to seeing everyone comfy and warm on Wednesday!

Stay warm,
Mrs. Ashton

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Holiday Store, Spirit Wear, Magic much going on at Lakeside!

Dear Families,

Here are a few important updates for the rest of this week:

  • The holiday store is coming to Lakeside on Friday! Please feel free to pick up your child after school on Friday. Many students have bags full of goodies after shopping at the holiday store--and sometimes it's hard to fit all their items on the bus. 
  • The spirit wear sale is extended until Friday, December 6. Thanks for considering a spirit wear purchase!
  • Today, the Kiwanis came to Lakeside for a magic show! This show is put on for students to thank them for the food drive donations. Enjoy a picture--more to come in the newsletter!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thank You and A Few Reminders

Lakeside Families,

Thank you for participating in parent teacher conferences! We value the home-school relationship we have with families and thank you for all your support.

A few reminders for the upcoming week:

  • The Scholastic Book Fair will be open for the last time on Monday morning (11/25) from 7:30-7:55 am. Stop by if you haven't yet!
  • Spirit Wear orders are due by Wednesday, 11/27. Please send in your order by then. If you need another order sheet, let us know and we can send one home with your child. Spirit Wear will be in before winter break. 
  • Remember, the front door will be locked starting Monday and the security camera and entrance policy will be in place. 
And for the week after Thanksgiving:
  • Lakeside Spirit Day (wear orange and black) on Wednesday, Dec. 4!
  • The Holiday Store on Friday, Dec. 6!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Ashton

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Pictures to share! 11.3.13

Hello Families,

Check out pictures from a few recent events:
-Art Sculpture Celebration
-Family Literacy Night

Look for more updates soon. Happy November!
-Mrs. Ashton

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Quick Update!

Dear Lakeside Families,

  • There is a PTO meeting tomorrow at 6pm in the Lakeside Media Center. Join us!
  • Literacy Family Night is quickly approaching-please be sure to turn in your slips if you are planning to attend by this week Tuesday. We already have over 100 people coming!
  • THANK YOU to the many families that generously donated books to our book swap collection!  We have a lot of great titles and can't wait to see how excited the students are at our next swap (coming up at the end of the month). Mrs. Carns was truly touched by the outpouring of generosity from our school community!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What an exciting week we've got going... :)

Hi everyone!

This week is hoppin' at Lakeside school!

Today, Biscuit, the Hand Washing Dog, came to school to teach us about the importance of hand washing and hand sanitizing. Check out the pictures below!

Tomorrow is Walk to School Day! Even though we can't really walk here at Lakeside, we will walk around the building tomorrow at 7:30 and 11:00 am to celebrate healthy living, fitness, and safety! Join us if you'd like! We'll all be wearing our tennis shoes and work out gear to celebrate. Prizes will be raffled off at the end of the day for students. Thank you to Safe Routes to School for donating prizes for this event!

On Friday, we will learn about Fire Safety from the Van Dyne Fire Department.

Don't forget to turn in your slip and join us for Family Literacy Night on Tuesday, October 22 from 5:30-7:00 pm! We will have pizza for dinner, and celebrate the joy of reading and writing! We look forward to seeing you at this exciting event!

Pictures from today:

Friday, September 27, 2013

Lakeside Update- 9.27.13

Hello Lakeside Families,

I have a few exciting updates to share with you.

  • Today's Book Swap at Lakeside was a major success! Seventy students participated. Look for pictures and more information on the next Book Swap coming soon. Thank you to Mrs. Carns, our literacy resource teacher, for organizing the Book Swap.
  • Coming Up in October...
    • We will celebrate "Walk to School" Day on Wednesday, Oct. 9--even though students really can't walk to Lakeside. We will celebrate with physical activity. Look for more details in the next Paw Print newsletter!
    • On Friday, Oct. 18, our art sculptures from last year will be put in the ground and we will have a short celebration and sculpture "unveiling" at 2:15 pm. Families are welcome to join us! 
    • On Tuesday, Oct. 22, we will have our first Lakeside Family Literacy Night! Mark your calendars NOW for this exciting event (5:30-7:00 pm) Dinner will be provided by the PTO!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Mrs. Ashton :)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Notes for the first day of school

Dear Lakeside Families,

It was so great to see so many of you at Open House this week. The entire staff at Lakeside is excited for another great school year to begin and looking forward to seeing so many smiling faces on Day 1!

Here are some notes for the first day of school, on Tuesday, September 3:

  • Parents are welcome to join us at 7:35am for our "Countdown to Day 1" party on the playground. We will have music playing and staff greeting families. We will countdown as the clock nears 7:50am, when the first bell will ring to signal lining up and going into school. We look forward to celebrating this exciting time with you! 
  • Send in your family picture (a 4 by 6, please)! Our front bulletin board will feature "Our School Family", including all staff members and their families, and all of our Lakeside students and their families. We look forward to seeing our bulletin board filled with the people that surround us daily--our Lakeside School Family! 
  • Busses can be unpredictable the first few days of school. Please expect late pick-ups and arrivals until all the kinks are worked out. Also, call the office at Lakeside (424-0131) if you have any concerns or Kobussen (424-7575). 
  • FYI New families--Kobussen does a transfer of students from the Green Meadow attendance area at the Outlet Mall, and transfers happen at Lakeside for 4th and 5th grade students headed to Green Meadow/Tipler. 
See you very soon!
-Mrs. Ashton and the Lakeside Staff 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Updates: Registration and New Staff at Lakeside

Hello Lakeside Families!

I hope you are enjoying every bit of August! Here are a few updates for you:

  • Registration is this Thursday, August 15th from 10:30am-12:30pm and from 4:30pm-6:00pm at Lakeside. Please remember to enter Door #8 near the gym. We look forward to seeing you!
  • Lakeside has many new support staff members. We are excited to have each of them joining our school! If you see one of them at Registration, please welcome them! Here is a list and their positions:
    • Lisa Carns, literacy resource teacher
    • Rachael Baardsen, speech and language pathologist
    • Jessica Faust, school psychologist
    • Laura Jackson, instructional support teacher
    • Michelle Dorn, cross categorical special education teacher
    • Kate Krueger, information technology instructional support 
See you soon, Mrs. Ashton :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Looking ahead to the 2013-14 school year...

Hello Lakeside Families,

I hope you are enjoying the hot summer weather and plenty of family time together! Here are a few updates, reminders, and pleas for help for you to consider:

  • The Boys and Girls Club will provide care after school only. There will not be before school care next year. 
  • We are no longer a late start school. Our school day will begin at 7:55 am and end at 2:35 pm, like all other elementary schools in the district.
  • Our recess times will be combined for next year, allowing students to have a longer break during recess and lunch, and more focused learning (less transitions) during the morning and afternoon sessions in the classroom. The extended recess and lunch time will be from 11:00 am- 12:00 pm. More information about this will be given to you in the Registration mailing that comes home in August.
  • MY PLEA TO YOU: We are looking for 2 or 3 parents to help out with lunch and recess supervision each day. If you are available to help, even if it's one or two days a week, please email me to let me know. With the change in recess and lunch, we will need more coverage. 
Remind your little loved ones to keep reading and writing throughout the summer. We all look forward to seeing their growth as a new school year begins in September!

Take care,
Mrs. Ashton :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sculptures created at Lakeside this weekend!

Dear Lakeside Families,

On Saturday, June 1, we had approximately seventy students, teachers, parents, and volunteers build our 9 Civilities sculptures here at Lakeside! We plan to have them visible on Friday during field day for all to see. We hope that after seeking final Board of Education approval, we will be able to put the statues in front of our school for all to see! If granted, we will have a small celebration ceremony in the fall. Thank you to Ms. King, Lakeside's art teacher, for organizing this project!

Enjoy viewing these pictures from Saturday! (The third and fourth picture feature our artist-in-residency, Brock Rumohr.)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sculpture Building at Lakeside this Saturday!

Dear Lakeside Families,

A note is coming home tonight from our art teacher, Ms. King, about the sculpture building that will take place this Saturday, June 1st at Lakeside. We will work with sculptor, Brock Rumohr, to design sculptures that the students have been working on with Ms. King to represent the 9 Civilities. Over $2500 has been raised to build these sculptures- (thanks to the SOAR grant and PTO for funding parts of this project)!

Please return the bottom of the yellow note that came home today so that we can plan for the number of people joining us on Saturday. Bring your whole family along, and bring any yard games you'd like to play when you are not working on the sculptures!

A quick re-cap:

  • When: Saturday, June 1st- 11am- 3pm
  • Where: Lakeside, back of the school, in the gym if it's raining
  • What: Sculpture Building, Bring your own picnic lunch @ 12:30, game stations set up by our gym teacher, Mr. Roloff
I look forward to seeing many of you on Saturday!
Mrs. Ashton