Friday, August 30, 2013

Notes for the first day of school

Dear Lakeside Families,

It was so great to see so many of you at Open House this week. The entire staff at Lakeside is excited for another great school year to begin and looking forward to seeing so many smiling faces on Day 1!

Here are some notes for the first day of school, on Tuesday, September 3:

  • Parents are welcome to join us at 7:35am for our "Countdown to Day 1" party on the playground. We will have music playing and staff greeting families. We will countdown as the clock nears 7:50am, when the first bell will ring to signal lining up and going into school. We look forward to celebrating this exciting time with you! 
  • Send in your family picture (a 4 by 6, please)! Our front bulletin board will feature "Our School Family", including all staff members and their families, and all of our Lakeside students and their families. We look forward to seeing our bulletin board filled with the people that surround us daily--our Lakeside School Family! 
  • Busses can be unpredictable the first few days of school. Please expect late pick-ups and arrivals until all the kinks are worked out. Also, call the office at Lakeside (424-0131) if you have any concerns or Kobussen (424-7575). 
  • FYI New families--Kobussen does a transfer of students from the Green Meadow attendance area at the Outlet Mall, and transfers happen at Lakeside for 4th and 5th grade students headed to Green Meadow/Tipler. 
See you very soon!
-Mrs. Ashton and the Lakeside Staff 

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