Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Author's Tea Event

Thank you to all the families who joined us last Friday for our first Author's Tea event to celebrate our school improvement goal of improving narrative writing! We went from 1% of our Lakeside students proficient at narrative writing in the beginning of the school year to 55% of students proficient in May! What huge growth! Another 40% of students are basic, meaning they are improving their narrative writing skills, with some help and support from the teacher. Each child at Lakeside has grown tremendously as a writer this year...just take a look at some writing samples to see the great change!

Here are some pictures from our fun Author's Tea event, where each child read a piece of their narrative writing to a small group. Four student authors were featured in front of the entire school. Congratulations Katrina (kindergarten), Adrea (first grade), Kaiya (second grade), and Jace (third grade), our four featured authors. We enjoyed listening to your stories! We wrapped up the event with cookies and lemonade.
Way to go, Lakeside students in improving your writing skills this year! We are all proud!

Mrs. Ashton and the Lakeside staff :)

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