Friday, September 19, 2014

The Lakeside Way: Respectful, Responsible, Safe!

Dear Families,

This week I had the pleasure of meeting with all students and talking with them about safety at school. I shared that I have many jobs at Lakeside and my most important job is to ensure that school is safe. I also explained that as students, it is their job to help keep school safe. I reviewed several board policies and school expectations and talked about how these rules are in place to keep
students safe so they can learn.

I also explained the consequences at school if the rules are not followed. Consequences include meeting with the classroom teacher, practicing expectations, missing recess time, and communication with families if expectations are not followed repeatedly. Students are sent to the office to meet with me if their behavior is considered "major"--abusive language, threats, fighting/physical aggression, etc. I will communicate with parents and document behavior in our new student information system, Infinite Campus. In the near future, you will be able to see behavior infractions in Infinite Campus (but hopefully there won't be any to see).

If you have any questions about school expectations, please contact me directly. Thank you for your continued focus on safety and learning at Lakeside!

Mrs. Ashton

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