Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Getting ready for a ghoulish rest of the week at Lakeside!

Hello Lakeside Families,

  • Just a reminder...tomorrow (Thursday) is Crazy Hair Day! Students can pay $1 and come to school with a wacky, crazy style! The money raised will go to prizes for Lakeside Way recognition. 
  • Friday afternoon is our Halloween Celebration! Families are welcome to join at 1:35 pm. Sign in, get a visitor badge, and head to the gym to see all the fabulous costumes!
  • Costume expectations for students include:
    • Students will be given 5 minutes to get into their costume. Please plan for easy items to be worn over normal clothes. 
    • Make-up should not be worn all day as it is a disruption to learning.
    • Violent themed costumes are not appropriate for school.
    • School Board policy clearly prohibits look alike weapons such as toy guns, knives, swords, or other threatening objects. These items are not allowed in school for any reason, and Halloween is no exception.
Happy Halloween!
Mrs. Ashton :)

    Friday, October 17, 2014

    More pumpkin pictures

    Enjoy these great pictures!

    Pumpkin Photos!

    Enjoy these fantastic pumpkin photos--these are our three winners! :)

    Pumpkin Contest Winners!

    Hello everyone,

    The Lakeside Pumpkin Contest was simply amazing! We had over 50 beautifully, artistically decorated pumpkins. It was SO hard to choose our favorites! All students voted for their top two choices and the top three contest winners are:

    First Place: Zach Splittgerber and Family (Ninja Turtle pumpkin)
    Second Place: Ashley Schumann and Family (Olaf pumpkin)
    Third Place: Alayna Palubiak and Family (Pink Glam pumpkin)

    Everyone did a terrific job! Thank you so much for participating! A special thanks goes to Meredith Jackson and her family for sharing this idea and getting this rolling at Lakeside.

    Pictures will be posted soon!!! :)

    Mrs. Ashton

    Thursday, October 2, 2014

    Walk AT School Day is Oct. 8!

    Hello Lakeside Families,

    We will celebrate International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 8 with a Walk AT School! All students, staff, and families are welcome to gather on the playground to begin our walk at 7:30 am. Everyone is encouraged to wear comfy or athletic clothes to school. Our entire school will walk together in the morning.

    Later in the day, students will have the option to walk during recess times to earn prizes for increasing their physical fitness. Safe Routes to School, an organization that works with our district and supports International Walk to School Day, has donated prizes to raffle off.

    We hope you can join us for a morning of exercise on Wednesday!
    Mrs. Ashton :)

    A Message from our District Office about Infinite Campus:

    Thank you for your patience as we transition to Infinite Campus. Parent and Student Infinite Campus Access will be available starting Monday, October 6, 2014 for schedule and grades. The district apologizes for any frustrations this has caused and understands that timely communication on your child's progress is important. Portal access for grades is complimented by the Infinite Campus Messenger feature that will alert you to updates and communications from your school and your child's teacher. Teachers are and have been keeping track of grades and learning the new system. As always, if you do have a question or concern, please contact your child's teacher.