Friday, October 17, 2014

Pumpkin Contest Winners!

Hello everyone,

The Lakeside Pumpkin Contest was simply amazing! We had over 50 beautifully, artistically decorated pumpkins. It was SO hard to choose our favorites! All students voted for their top two choices and the top three contest winners are:

First Place: Zach Splittgerber and Family (Ninja Turtle pumpkin)
Second Place: Ashley Schumann and Family (Olaf pumpkin)
Third Place: Alayna Palubiak and Family (Pink Glam pumpkin)

Everyone did a terrific job! Thank you so much for participating! A special thanks goes to Meredith Jackson and her family for sharing this idea and getting this rolling at Lakeside.

Pictures will be posted soon!!! :)

Mrs. Ashton

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