Thursday, January 8, 2015

Happy 2015!

Lakeside Families,

I hope your new year is off to a great start! Lakeside has been full of activity this week! Late lunches, bussing challenges, and indoor recess have made our week an interesting one. Warmer weather is ahead, right? :)

Here are a few updates and reminders to share with you:

  • This week, all Lakeside and Green Meadow students are voting for our school mascot! On Friday, students will make a final vote for their favorite mascot. At Monday's PTO meeting, the student choices and final vote details will be shared! I hope you can make it for this exciting discussion! 
  • We have been reviewing the Lakeside Way with all students this week. Students have been reviewing expectations for being respectful, responsible, and safe in common areas such as the lunchroom, hallways, and bathrooms. When it warms up, we'll go outside and review outdoor recess expectations. 
  • Please make sure you are able to access Infinite Campus for your child's grades (report card information will be coming soon) and also for snow day information or other important school updates. 
  • Our Lakeside Way ALL SCHOOL FIELD TRIP TO THE YMCA is coming up on Wednesday, January 21, 2015! Don't forget to turn in your permission slips along with $3 to cover the cost of the bus by tomorrow, January 9. Please specify whether your child will be packing a sack lunch or if we should order a Food Service sack lunch and deduct amount from your family food service account. If you would like to help chaperone, please let your teacher know and we will check to see if you have a current background check filed. We would love to have you- the more the merrier!
Have a wonderful night! Look for more updates soon,
Mrs. Ashton 

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