Monday, August 3, 2015

It's August!

Lakeside Families,

I hope you enjoyed every bit of the hot summer weather that wrapped up the month of July. Are you excited that it's August? Time really is flying! 

Our new addition and renovation is coming along very nicely. Walls are painted, sidewalks were put in last week, ceiling tiles are going up, cabinetry will be installed this week, and asphalt will be put down early next week. There have been a few set backs due to products shipping late for mechanical systems, windows, and humidity levels in the building have been high, so flooring may not be in by the time school starts. No worries though--we have several more weeks for all the trades to keep plugging away.

Our PTO and playground committee also put together a beautiful new playground for all of our students in July. It is simply amazing! Thank you SO much to all those who planned, organized, and were building during the community build!  

Registration is still planned for Monday, August 17th from 10:30am-12:30pm and 4:30pm-6:00pm at Lakeside in the gym. 

Enjoy pictures of construction below and see you all very soon!

Mrs. Ashton 

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