Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Reminders

Hello Lakeside Families,

Just a few quick reminders about Halloween celebrations tomorrow at school:

  • Students should bring costumes to school in a bag (do not wear them!).
  • Students will change into costumes at the 2:15 recess time. Make-up is not necessary, but if a child can apply it on their own quickly, or a parent wants to come in to help, that is fine.
  • Scary masks are not allowed during school.
  • Anything that resembles a weapon is not allowed at school. 
  • Any parent that wants to participate in the Halloween fun is welcome to join us at 2:30. All visitors must stop in the office to sign in and wear a name badge. 
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email! 
Mrs. Ashton 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Lakeside is hoppin' with news!

Hi Families,

The Paw Print newsletter is posted on our website, but here's another important update, and several great pictures from the week, including the Van Dyne Fire Department visit, a sample of a third grader's writing piece (first draft and final draft), and some pictures of students sampling jicama. Enjoy the pictures and the blurb listed below from Cub Scout Troop 3657.

Dear Parents of Lakeside/Green Meadow Elementary,

Lakeside Cub Scout Troop 3657 are asking for your help. The Scouts are going to do a Veteran’s Day care package drive to send to solders in Afghanistan. Each class room at Lakeside/ Green Meadow will have a collection box starting on October 19th and ending on November 2nd. The Cub Scouts plan to send the items out so that the solders receive them in time for Veteran’s Day November 12th. Here are some items that we can send to our troops:

Kool-aid (powder)
Gatorade (powder)
Writing tablets, pens(black ink) pencils
Baby wipes
Gum (any flavor)
Beef jerky (any flavor)
Playing cards
Any personal hygiene item (shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, tooth brush est.
DVD movies (any)
Magazines, news papers, cross words, word finds, Sudoku
Hard candy (any flavor)
Instant coffee, powder creamer
Ice tea
In addition, our Lake Side Cub Scouts will be typing letters to be placed in each care package thanking our solders for their service.Thank you in advance for donation,

Troop 3657

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fun Food of the Month

Hi Lakeside Families!

Have you heard...our Food Services department is starting "Fun Food of the Month" at all elementary schools. The purpose is to expose students to healthy fruits and veggies. This month's Fun Food is Jicama! Students will have the opportunity to sample Jicama in the lunchroom on Thursday, Oct. 18. We are looking for 2 parents to help pass out samples on Thursday. If you are able to help, please email Mrs. Ashton at amy.ashton@oshkosh.k12.wi.us.

Festival Foods will have Jicama on sale for the month of October to promote healthy food choices. Look for the flyer from Food Services coming home soon about Jicama!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Updates for Families

Hello Lakeside Families,

Here are just a few updates for the week:

  • Our school is the first school in OASD to have our teacher websites linked to our Lakeside website. Check out our progress: https://sites.google.com/a/oshkosh.k12.wi.us/lakeside-elementary/our-staff
  • We will have our first site council meeting of the year on Monday, October 22 at 6pm. Parents are welcome to join us! We will be discussing a spirit wear order, as well as the first opportunity to get families in to school to read with kids! Add this meeting to your calendar! 
  • Two weeks ago, I held the first "Snack and Chat with the Principal" where parents were welcomed in to connect with other parents, talk about school topics such as the online grade book and volunteering, and enjoy some treats while chatting. Our first event was small, but a great success. Parents were happy to "walk through" the online grading system and get a chance to connect. Several parents emailed to ask if I could host a "Snack and Chat" in the evening. I am happy to do this on Monday, October 22 at 7pm, right after the site council meeting. We will meet from 7:00-7:30pm. I sincerely hope you can join us this month!
Have a wonderful end to the week!
Look for another blog update coming soon! 

Mrs. Ashton 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Viewing your child's grades online

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow, you will get your Family Account for WebGrader/StandardsScore, our online grading and reporting system for elementary school. Students will be bringing this information home in their take-home folders, so keep an eye out for this important piece of paper!

The user id and password will grant you access to see all of the grades your child's teacher has entered into their grade book. Grading is done on a proficiency scale (1-4) and we want children to be at the proficient level (a score of a "3") by the end of the quarter. Teachers will be entering in scores weekly.

If you have any questions about our online grading and reporting system, please call anytime.

Mrs. Ashton


Are you concerned about what your children are eating?

Let's help our children learning to enjoy eating tasty, healthy foods, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains at school and at home. Please join us to discuss what will be happening this year to promote healthy foods in Oshkosh Schools through programs like Harvest of the Month, Farm 2 School, and actions like School Gardens. We want your input in planning, so please come if you can!

Healthy snacks will be provided. Attendees will also be entered into a door prize drawing!

Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012
6:15-7:15 pm
Perry Tipler Middle School Cafeteria