Thursday, October 11, 2012

Updates for Families

Hello Lakeside Families,

Here are just a few updates for the week:

  • Our school is the first school in OASD to have our teacher websites linked to our Lakeside website. Check out our progress:
  • We will have our first site council meeting of the year on Monday, October 22 at 6pm. Parents are welcome to join us! We will be discussing a spirit wear order, as well as the first opportunity to get families in to school to read with kids! Add this meeting to your calendar! 
  • Two weeks ago, I held the first "Snack and Chat with the Principal" where parents were welcomed in to connect with other parents, talk about school topics such as the online grade book and volunteering, and enjoy some treats while chatting. Our first event was small, but a great success. Parents were happy to "walk through" the online grading system and get a chance to connect. Several parents emailed to ask if I could host a "Snack and Chat" in the evening. I am happy to do this on Monday, October 22 at 7pm, right after the site council meeting. We will meet from 7:00-7:30pm. I sincerely hope you can join us this month!
Have a wonderful end to the week!
Look for another blog update coming soon! 

Mrs. Ashton 

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