Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Reminders

Hello Lakeside Families,

Just a few quick reminders about Halloween celebrations tomorrow at school:

  • Students should bring costumes to school in a bag (do not wear them!).
  • Students will change into costumes at the 2:15 recess time. Make-up is not necessary, but if a child can apply it on their own quickly, or a parent wants to come in to help, that is fine.
  • Scary masks are not allowed during school.
  • Anything that resembles a weapon is not allowed at school. 
  • Any parent that wants to participate in the Halloween fun is welcome to join us at 2:30. All visitors must stop in the office to sign in and wear a name badge. 
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email! 
Mrs. Ashton 

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