Monday, August 18, 2014

Registration and Open House Updates

Hello Lakeside Families,

By now you should have received your Registration packet in the mail.

Registration is this Thursday, Aug. 21 from 10:30am-12:30pm and from 4:30-6:00pm. 

  • The purpose of Registration is to verify your child is coming to Lakeside and turn in all paperwork and payments.
  • You will need to write out multiple checks for food service, instructional material fees, agendas, and school pictures. If you pay with cash, please have the exact amount.

Open House is next Wednesday, Aug. 27 from 4:30-6:00pm. 

  • The purpose of Open House is to meet your teacher, see the building, and drop off your school supplies.
  • New students will purchase their headphones ($3) at Open House.
  • Bring an updated family picture to put on our Lakeside School Family board in our lobby! 
  • Popsicles with the principal will be held right after Open House, from 6-6:30 on the playground.
I look forward to seeing your family soon!
-Mrs. Ashton

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