Monday, August 4, 2014

Updates in August

Hello Lakeside Families,

I hope your summer has been awesome so far. Has your family been on a picnic, gone camping or on a vacation, or visited a water park or pool this summer? Students, have you been reading and writing? I hope you've had enjoyable lazy days and fun-filled busy days. Get out and enjoy the last few weeks of summer--it sure does go by fast!

Here are a few updates to share:

Our entire district is shifting to a new student information system, so mailings and processes are slightly different this year.
A mailing will be sent to you this week about creating an ID on our new student information system, Infinite CampusRegistration packets will be mailed home late next week.

This year, I will host Popsicles with the Principal right after Open House on Wednesday, August 27 at 6:00-6:30 pm. Join me on the playground for a popsicle, tell me about your summer, and visit with new and old friends. I look forward to seeing you there!

More updates to come in a couple weeks. Take care!
-Mrs. Ashton

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