Thursday, December 6, 2012

Annual Food Drive and Spirit Wear Sale

Lakeside Families,

We are currently collecting canned and boxed food donations for the Annual Kiwanis food drive. All food items will be collected by Kiwanis next week Wednesday. Please consider contributing an item or two!

A Spirit Wear order form will be coming home with your child Friday! Please take a look at the variety of spirit wear items to purchase, including: t-shirts, long sleeve t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, winter pajama pants, and winter hats! All orders are due by Friday, December 21 along with payment. These items will arrive after the holiday break. Look for more information coming home tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Holiday Store is coming this FRIDAY!

Hello Lakeside Families!

The holiday store is coming to Lakeside this Friday, December 7! Please look for information coming home on yellow paper from the PTO coordinators about the holiday store either tonight or tomorrow.

What is the holiday store? 
The holiday store is a fun, inexpensive shopping experience for all Lakeside students. The PTO has been organizing the holiday store for years. Students can secretly shop for family members. The students will be able to select four items to purchase during their morning visit, and during the afternoon, students can purchase more items if they have the dollars to do so. Students are not supposed to shop for themselves, but are encouraged to shop for others in their family.

How much money should I send for holiday shopping?
The majority of items will be $5.00 or less. It is up to you to decide how much money you'd like to send with your child for holiday shopping. Cash or check (made out to Lakeside PTO) should be in an envelope marked with your child's name. Include a list of who to shop for, and if all money should be spent, or not. If you do not want your child to shop, please send a note to their teacher.

How can I get involved?
If you haven't volunteered yet and would still like to, please join the PTO coordinators and other parents in the gym on Friday to help students shop and wrap gifts. The holiday store will be open from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm, with a lunch provided at 11:30 am. Donations of tissue paper, tape, gift tags, and gift bags, are also needed and can be sent in any day this week.

Thank you and we hope to have another successful year of holiday shopping! :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November's Fun Food of the Month

November's Fun Food of the Month is Fennel! Fennel is a crunchy, slightly sweet vegetable. It is composed of a bulb and stalks that look like celery. Students at Lakeside will taste-test fennel on Thursday, November 15 during lunch.

Parents, if you are interested in helping out with this taste-testing experience, please let us know! 424.0131. 


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Spirit Wear Update

Hello Families,

We have a few extra orange Lakeside t-shirts for sale in the office. They are $7.00, and first come, first serve!

A few Lakeside parents have been inquiring about another Spirit Wear sale for our school. We are looking for a parent to coordinate a Spirit Wear sale. If you are interested, please call the office 424.0131. We would love to have t-shirts, sweatshirts, and other fun spirit wear items for sale before (or after) the holidays. Let us know if you can help!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day at Lakeside photos...and more!

Yesterday was Election Day at Lakeside, and all students voted for President of the United States and their favorite type of cookie (chocolate chip or sugar). Our library/media staff, Mrs. Zunker and Mrs. Dey showed the students a fun video clip on the importance of voting and had a voting booth at school set up. Check out the pictures of voting at Lakeside!

And...the winner is...

President: Barack Obama (66%)

Cookie: Sugar cookie with frosting (54%)

All students will celebrate the winners today with a cookie during lunch!
Thanks to Mrs. Zunker and Mrs. Dey for making this cool experience happen at Lakeside!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Reminders

Hello Lakeside Families,

Just a few quick reminders about Halloween celebrations tomorrow at school:

  • Students should bring costumes to school in a bag (do not wear them!).
  • Students will change into costumes at the 2:15 recess time. Make-up is not necessary, but if a child can apply it on their own quickly, or a parent wants to come in to help, that is fine.
  • Scary masks are not allowed during school.
  • Anything that resembles a weapon is not allowed at school. 
  • Any parent that wants to participate in the Halloween fun is welcome to join us at 2:30. All visitors must stop in the office to sign in and wear a name badge. 
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email! 
Mrs. Ashton 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Lakeside is hoppin' with news!

Hi Families,

The Paw Print newsletter is posted on our website, but here's another important update, and several great pictures from the week, including the Van Dyne Fire Department visit, a sample of a third grader's writing piece (first draft and final draft), and some pictures of students sampling jicama. Enjoy the pictures and the blurb listed below from Cub Scout Troop 3657.

Dear Parents of Lakeside/Green Meadow Elementary,

Lakeside Cub Scout Troop 3657 are asking for your help. The Scouts are going to do a Veteran’s Day care package drive to send to solders in Afghanistan. Each class room at Lakeside/ Green Meadow will have a collection box starting on October 19th and ending on November 2nd. The Cub Scouts plan to send the items out so that the solders receive them in time for Veteran’s Day November 12th. Here are some items that we can send to our troops:

Kool-aid (powder)
Gatorade (powder)
Writing tablets, pens(black ink) pencils
Baby wipes
Gum (any flavor)
Beef jerky (any flavor)
Playing cards
Any personal hygiene item (shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, tooth brush est.
DVD movies (any)
Magazines, news papers, cross words, word finds, Sudoku
Hard candy (any flavor)
Instant coffee, powder creamer
Ice tea
In addition, our Lake Side Cub Scouts will be typing letters to be placed in each care package thanking our solders for their service.Thank you in advance for donation,

Troop 3657

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fun Food of the Month

Hi Lakeside Families!

Have you heard...our Food Services department is starting "Fun Food of the Month" at all elementary schools. The purpose is to expose students to healthy fruits and veggies. This month's Fun Food is Jicama! Students will have the opportunity to sample Jicama in the lunchroom on Thursday, Oct. 18. We are looking for 2 parents to help pass out samples on Thursday. If you are able to help, please email Mrs. Ashton at

Festival Foods will have Jicama on sale for the month of October to promote healthy food choices. Look for the flyer from Food Services coming home soon about Jicama!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Updates for Families

Hello Lakeside Families,

Here are just a few updates for the week:

  • Our school is the first school in OASD to have our teacher websites linked to our Lakeside website. Check out our progress:
  • We will have our first site council meeting of the year on Monday, October 22 at 6pm. Parents are welcome to join us! We will be discussing a spirit wear order, as well as the first opportunity to get families in to school to read with kids! Add this meeting to your calendar! 
  • Two weeks ago, I held the first "Snack and Chat with the Principal" where parents were welcomed in to connect with other parents, talk about school topics such as the online grade book and volunteering, and enjoy some treats while chatting. Our first event was small, but a great success. Parents were happy to "walk through" the online grading system and get a chance to connect. Several parents emailed to ask if I could host a "Snack and Chat" in the evening. I am happy to do this on Monday, October 22 at 7pm, right after the site council meeting. We will meet from 7:00-7:30pm. I sincerely hope you can join us this month!
Have a wonderful end to the week!
Look for another blog update coming soon! 

Mrs. Ashton 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Viewing your child's grades online

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow, you will get your Family Account for WebGrader/StandardsScore, our online grading and reporting system for elementary school. Students will be bringing this information home in their take-home folders, so keep an eye out for this important piece of paper!

The user id and password will grant you access to see all of the grades your child's teacher has entered into their grade book. Grading is done on a proficiency scale (1-4) and we want children to be at the proficient level (a score of a "3") by the end of the quarter. Teachers will be entering in scores weekly.

If you have any questions about our online grading and reporting system, please call anytime.

Mrs. Ashton


Are you concerned about what your children are eating?

Let's help our children learning to enjoy eating tasty, healthy foods, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains at school and at home. Please join us to discuss what will be happening this year to promote healthy foods in Oshkosh Schools through programs like Harvest of the Month, Farm 2 School, and actions like School Gardens. We want your input in planning, so please come if you can!

Healthy snacks will be provided. Attendees will also be entered into a door prize drawing!

Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012
6:15-7:15 pm
Perry Tipler Middle School Cafeteria

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Join Me on Friday!

Hello Lakeside Parents,

Please join me on Friday, September 28 from 3:00-3:30 pm in the media center at Lakeside for our first "Snack and Chat" of the year! We will gather together to enjoy some treats and discuss any topics of interest that parents would like to chat about.

Potential Topics:

  • viewing your child's grades online
  • volunteering
  • anything else on your mind
This is a great opportunity to strengthen the home-school relationship and connect with other parents. We will have "snack and chats" once a month. 

I hope to see you Friday!
Mrs. Ashton

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Coming Up This Week...

Hi Lakeside Families,

Here are a few notes for this upcoming week:

Wednesday, Sept. 19 is our first early release day. Students are released at 2:45pm.
Wednesday is also Picture Retake Day for those students that missed Registration.

Lakeside is looking for parents to join our site council. Site council meets monthly to discuss how to increase parent involvement and community involvement in our school, as well as promoting school-wide events and increasing school spirit. Last year, site council planned two "Cozy Up and Read" Days, where adults joined students in reading together. Site council also placed a Spirit Wear order, which we are hoping to do again this year. If you are interested in joining our site council, please send me an email: and fill out the survey on our school website:

Have a wonderful start to the week!
Mrs. Ashton

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Learning is Leading!

At Lakeside, learning happens in many ways. Here are a few pictures to show learning from a teacher, learning from a friend, and learning by doing! Enjoy!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Monday, September 10

Lakeside Families,

On Monday, September 10, we will have our first whole-school morning meeting! The purpose of this morning meeting is to build a stronger school community. We will say the Pledge of Allegiance, sing songs, share announcements, and celebrate together during morning meetings. We are planning to have 2 Monday Morning Meetings per month.

Our kindergarten students are celebrating the color yellow on Monday (tomorrow!). Wouldn't it be cool to see all students and staff in yellow on Monday? Please consider helping your child find a bit of yellow in their closet!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Second day: bus update

Hi Families,

All busses were out of the parking lot today by 4:07 pm! I will not send any more blog updates about the busses unless they leave later than normal. The normal time for busses to leave is between 3:50 and 4:05, since Green Meadow students need to be transported here before Lakeside students leave. There will be more information about this in the Paw Print newsletter this Friday.

PS- The students are having a great time learning and meeting new friends! Look for pictures posted on our blog soon! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Busses are gone

Dear Lakeside Families,

The busses all left our building by 4:16pm. Children are on their way home now.
Have a wonderful night and see you (or your child!) tomorrow!

Mrs. Ashton

Friday, August 31, 2012

First Day Excitement!

Hello Lakeside Families,

Please join us on Tuesday, September 4 for our "Party on the Playground and Countdown to Day 1" at 8:30 am. Music will begin at 8:30 am. Once all busses arrive, we will have a countdown and joyfully enter the building to start a great 2012-2013 school year!

If you did not bring your family picture for our school bulletin board at Open House, you can send it with your child any day next week. We are looking forward to seeing all of our School Family up on the board!

See you very soon,
Mrs. Ashton

Friday, August 24, 2012

Open House is next week!

Lakeside Students and Families,

I hope you are enjoying another beautiful summer weekend. It was great to see so many smiling faces at Registration last week. We are so excited to see you again at Open House! Open House is Thursday, August 30th from 4:00-5:30pm at Lakeside. You can bring your school supplies and check out your classroom when you visit.

You will enter Door #1 in the front of the building for Open House. If you can, please bring with you a picture of your family (a 4 by 6 photo is perfect!). Our bulletin board in the front lobby will feature pictures of all of our Lakeside families as a reminder that together, we are all one big Lakeside School Family.

Welcome to the start of an exciting year and see you soon,

Mrs. Ashton

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Registration is tomorrow at Lakeside!

Hello Lakeside Families!

We are so excited to see you tomorrow (Thursday, August 16) for Registration! Registration is from 10am-1pm and 4pm-6pm. Please enter the building on the north side at Door #8; Registration will be held in the gym. Remember, school pictures will be taken at Registration, so bring your best smile along! :)

If your child is out of town, you may still come to Registration to drop off forms. A picture re-take day is scheduled for Wednesday, September 19.

Additional Updates: New Staff at Lakeside!

Lakeside is pleased to welcome several new staff members this year:

  • Please welcome Nicole Rockel, our new Kindergarten teacher. Nicole is a UW-Oshkosh grad and is very excited about joining the Lakeside community!
  • Please welcome Sara Lloyd, our new Cross-Categorical Special Education teacher. Sara has been teaching in Ripon for the past few years, and taught in Oshkosh before that. She is happy to be back to the Oshkosh Area School District and will work part-time at Lakeside and part-time at Oaklawn.
  • Please welcome Andy Roloff, our new Physical Education teacher. Andy has been teaching at Franklin and Shapiro, and used to teach at Green Meadow years ago. He will be at Lakeside and Franklin this year. 
  • Please welcome Katie Dahlvig, our School Psychologist. Katie completed her intern experience in Oshkosh, and is looking forward to joining the school district. Katie will also work at South Park, Jefferson, Smith, and Shapiro.
If you have any questions about Registration, please give us a call at 424.0131. 
See you soon,

Mrs. Ashton 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's your family thinking about school?!

Hello Lakeside Families and Friends!

Can you believe how fast summer is going? It's August! I don't know about you, but I'm gearing up for school! We are preparing the building for students, making copies of Registration and Open House materials, and planning for a great year ahead!

Here are a few notes to consider this month:
-Is your child reading and writing at home often? Don't let the "summer slide" happen to your child! Reading scores do tend to recede if your child does not continue to practice reading throughout the summer. Go to the library, a local book store, or read online with your child this summer!
-Are you continuing to practice forward and backward counting, and skip counting (count by 2's or 3's, etc.)? These skills are important to practice at all grade levels. It will help prepare your child for basic math facts!
-Have you gotten school supplies yet? Remember to find Lakeside's school supply list at your favorite "back to school" store around town!
-Parents: Are you available to volunteer during recess or lunch times this year? We are looking for a few parent volunteers to help us. The times we need help are Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-8:50 am, and Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:30am-12:15pm. Please email me ( if you can help!

I look forward to seeing lots of smiling faces at Registration in just two weeks!

Mrs. Ashton

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It's summer...are you still reading at home?

Lakeside families,

I hope you are enjoying every bit of summer! On these warm summer days, remember to cool down and relax with a great book! In this video clip, our reading specialist, Ms. Kobinsky works with Trevor, now a graduated kindergartener, to check the pictures before reading. You can try this at home with your child!

Have a great upcoming Fourth of July! 
Mrs. Ashton :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Last Day of School!

Today was our final day of school, and it was a great one! Lakeside and Green Meadow students were on campus at Lakeside today! It was awesome to see everyone together! We had a Graduation and Awards Ceremony this morning to congratulate all of our students that are moving on. This afternoon, Lakeside's PTO put on the BEST Field Day ever! Check out some pictures.

Students, have a GREAT summer! We look forward to seeing you next year! :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

2012-2013 Enrollment Update

An update on next year...

You may have heard that our incoming kindergarten class numbers were higher than anticipated. The OASD student to teacher ratio for kindergarten-second grade is 24 students to one classroom teacher. We had over 55 new kindergarteners register to attend Lakeside for the 2012-2013 school year, which puts our school over capacity.
In collaboration with our Central Office, the decision was made to move new kindergarteners (new families to Lakeside) north of Ripple Road and east of the airport to Smith Elementary school to fill existing space in their kindergarten class numbers. This means that we will continue to have two sections of grades K-3, like this year.
Families of the students moving to Smith have already been notified of the change. 
If you have any questions, please call the school office. 
Thank you!
-Mrs. Ashton

Friday, June 1, 2012

Volunteers needed!

Lakeside Families,

We need volunteers to help with recess and lunch duty next year. Please consider volunteering your time- even one day a week would be great! Recess and lunch begins at 11:30 am and goes until 12:15 pm. Thanks for your consideration!

One more note...the last school newsletter of the year is coming home with students today. Continue checking our school blog over the summer for updates! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Water Pump Outage

May 23, 2012

Dear Lakeside Families,

At 3:00 pm this afternoon, we discovered that our water pump was not functioning properly. The school district’s plumber and Director of Facilities were contacted immediately. Shortly after school ended, we found out that the motor for the water pump broke. Currently, we are working with Sammons plumbing to get a new water pump to school this evening.

Fortunately we will have drinking water available tomorrow and our restroom facilities will be working just fine.  Therefore, we will be in session tomorrow at Lakeside so please plan accordingly.

If you have any questions, please send me an email or give the school a call in the morning.


Amy Ashton
Lakeside Elementary

Lakeside/Green Meadow Leads the Pledge

Last night, Lakeside/Green Meadow students led the Pledge of Allegiance at the City Council meeting. Here is a picture of our Pledge leaders- Reese Meszaros, Kyle Weister, and Alexandra Voulgaris. Way to go!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Summer Slide Warning!

Research shows that students can fall behind in their reading level if they do not read over the summer! Please check out our school newsletter for more information on the "summer slide". We will be providing video clips on our blog to demonstrate ways to help your child when reading this summer. Continue promoting reading (and writing!) all summer by making frequent visits to the Public Library, reading aloud as a family, and reading a variety of texts- cookbooks, magazines, travel maps, etc. Enjoy the video post of our reading teacher, Ms. Kobinsky, showing one strategy to work with your child on this summer.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mr. Dan Day @ Lakeside!

Today we celebrated "Mr. Dan Day" at Lakeside Elementary! Mr. Dan is our custodian at Lakeside. Our student council members made an announcement about all of Mr. Dan's hard work this morning, and decorated Mr. Dan's office. Posters were also hung throughout the school and many, many thank you cards were given to Mr. Dan today! We are so lucky to have such a great custodian at our school! Check out the crown and belt that the third grade students made for Mr. Dan to wear today!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Teacher Appreciation...we heart our staff!

This week, we take time to recognize the incredible efforts of all our teaching staff at Lakeside Elementary. Thank you, teachers, for your dedication to providing a safe and caring learning environment! We hope Teacher Appreciation Week has been special for you! 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Jump Rope for Heart!

Today was an exciting day at Lakeside! Jump Rope for Heart took place in the gym with Mrs. Stratton, and a lot of volunteers! Our school raised $3,974.10! Wow, Lakeside!!! Grace Ruedinger, third grader, raised $400 on her own! Here are some great pictures of the action!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

2nd Grade works on biographies and autobiographies

Second graders at Lakeside are studying biographies and autobiographies. Last week, students presented biography reports and brought in visual aids to share information about the person they studied. Students are starting to create autobiographies of their own life and will include a Power Point with pictures of important moments in their life. Enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sadoff Recycling Event

Yesterday's Recycling Event at Sadoff was a great way to accomplish spring cleaning for many families. Check out a few pictures from the event! Thank you to the families that participated and the volunteers that helped at the event! Money raised from the event will support technology!
Happy Earth Day to everyone!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Happy Earth Awareness Week!

This week, students at Lakeside were challenged to create a "Earth Awareness/Recycling" poster to show their support for Earth Day. Check out the pictures to see some of the creative posters that are filling the hallways of Lakeside! Thank you to all the students that participated!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spirit Week was a blast!

If you didn't get a chance to see Crazy Hair Day at Lakeside on Friday, here are some pictures! We had such a variety of creative hairstyles throughout the building!

Don't forget to check out Classroom Clicks on The Northwestern's website!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Pancake Man!

Last night, Lakeside had The Pancake Man cooking up pancakes for families. Families were able to shop at the Book Fair before and after eating, which was also an excitement! Here are a few fun pictures from the night!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Biography Timelines

Second grade students are working on learning about biographies and autobiographies. Today, students were working in pairs to record events of George Washington on a timeline. Check it out!