Sunday, November 9, 2014

Lakeside Way pictures- Enjoy!

Check out these great pictures of recent Lakeside Way events: 
Crazy Hair Day
Mrs. Greeninger and Mrs. Mallo's classes at Fancy Table lunch
Lakeside Way Recognition Assembly- Minute to Win It Games

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A few updates in early November

Hello Lakeside Families,

I hope your November is off to a great start! Here are a few updates for you:

  • I hope you saw the email from Ms. Jirschele about signing up online for parent-teacher conferences. Sign up by Wednesday to get the date/time you'd like! If you have questions or would like to sign up on the phone, call Ms. Jirschele at 424.0131. 
  • Our pumpkins in the front of our building are crumbling! If you have a pumpkin out front that you would like to take, please take it by Friday. Otherwise, Mr. Dan will be disposing of them over the weekend. 
  • We continue celebrating the Lakeside Way and recognizing students and classes for showing respectful, responsible, and safe behavior. Congratulations to Mrs. Greeninger's class and Mrs. Mallo's class for winning the Golden Spatula lunchroom contest! Look for pictures posted soon of all of our recent Lakeside Way celebrations!
  • Mrs. Nichols-Green, a Lakeside/Green Meadow parent, has finished setting up the website for meal planning for the Brill family. Here is the link for anyone interested: website includes important information in regards to dates for drop off, times, address, etc. If anyone has additional questions, please feel free to email Mrs. Nichols-Green @ Thanks so much! 
Have a great day!
Mrs. Ashton :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Getting ready for a ghoulish rest of the week at Lakeside!

Hello Lakeside Families,

  • Just a reminder...tomorrow (Thursday) is Crazy Hair Day! Students can pay $1 and come to school with a wacky, crazy style! The money raised will go to prizes for Lakeside Way recognition. 
  • Friday afternoon is our Halloween Celebration! Families are welcome to join at 1:35 pm. Sign in, get a visitor badge, and head to the gym to see all the fabulous costumes!
  • Costume expectations for students include:
    • Students will be given 5 minutes to get into their costume. Please plan for easy items to be worn over normal clothes. 
    • Make-up should not be worn all day as it is a disruption to learning.
    • Violent themed costumes are not appropriate for school.
    • School Board policy clearly prohibits look alike weapons such as toy guns, knives, swords, or other threatening objects. These items are not allowed in school for any reason, and Halloween is no exception.
Happy Halloween!
Mrs. Ashton :)

    Friday, October 17, 2014

    More pumpkin pictures

    Enjoy these great pictures!

    Pumpkin Photos!

    Enjoy these fantastic pumpkin photos--these are our three winners! :)

    Pumpkin Contest Winners!

    Hello everyone,

    The Lakeside Pumpkin Contest was simply amazing! We had over 50 beautifully, artistically decorated pumpkins. It was SO hard to choose our favorites! All students voted for their top two choices and the top three contest winners are:

    First Place: Zach Splittgerber and Family (Ninja Turtle pumpkin)
    Second Place: Ashley Schumann and Family (Olaf pumpkin)
    Third Place: Alayna Palubiak and Family (Pink Glam pumpkin)

    Everyone did a terrific job! Thank you so much for participating! A special thanks goes to Meredith Jackson and her family for sharing this idea and getting this rolling at Lakeside.

    Pictures will be posted soon!!! :)

    Mrs. Ashton

    Thursday, October 2, 2014

    Walk AT School Day is Oct. 8!

    Hello Lakeside Families,

    We will celebrate International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 8 with a Walk AT School! All students, staff, and families are welcome to gather on the playground to begin our walk at 7:30 am. Everyone is encouraged to wear comfy or athletic clothes to school. Our entire school will walk together in the morning.

    Later in the day, students will have the option to walk during recess times to earn prizes for increasing their physical fitness. Safe Routes to School, an organization that works with our district and supports International Walk to School Day, has donated prizes to raffle off.

    We hope you can join us for a morning of exercise on Wednesday!
    Mrs. Ashton :)

    A Message from our District Office about Infinite Campus:

    Thank you for your patience as we transition to Infinite Campus. Parent and Student Infinite Campus Access will be available starting Monday, October 6, 2014 for schedule and grades. The district apologizes for any frustrations this has caused and understands that timely communication on your child's progress is important. Portal access for grades is complimented by the Infinite Campus Messenger feature that will alert you to updates and communications from your school and your child's teacher. Teachers are and have been keeping track of grades and learning the new system. As always, if you do have a question or concern, please contact your child's teacher. 

    Friday, September 19, 2014

    The Lakeside Way: Respectful, Responsible, Safe!

    Dear Families,

    This week I had the pleasure of meeting with all students and talking with them about safety at school. I shared that I have many jobs at Lakeside and my most important job is to ensure that school is safe. I also explained that as students, it is their job to help keep school safe. I reviewed several board policies and school expectations and talked about how these rules are in place to keep
    students safe so they can learn.

    I also explained the consequences at school if the rules are not followed. Consequences include meeting with the classroom teacher, practicing expectations, missing recess time, and communication with families if expectations are not followed repeatedly. Students are sent to the office to meet with me if their behavior is considered "major"--abusive language, threats, fighting/physical aggression, etc. I will communicate with parents and document behavior in our new student information system, Infinite Campus. In the near future, you will be able to see behavior infractions in Infinite Campus (but hopefully there won't be any to see).

    If you have any questions about school expectations, please contact me directly. Thank you for your continued focus on safety and learning at Lakeside!

    Mrs. Ashton

    Sunday, September 14, 2014

    Pictures of the Lakeside Way

    Examples of Lakeside students showing the Lakeside Way--being respectful, responsible, and safe!

    Friday, September 5, 2014

    A GREAT First Week!

    Lakeside Families,

    It has been a wonderful first week at school! Students met new teachers and friends, learned procedures and expectations in their classrooms, and started to improve their skills doing their most important job: learning! I am so excited to watch all the progress students will make academically this year, and I promise to share that progress with you along the way!

    Our school has also been learning about the Lakeside Way: respectful, responsible, and safe. We have been practicing expectations on the playground, in the lunchroom, in the hallways, and other common spaces. The students have been doing an AMAZING job showing respect, responsibility, and safety and we are excited to acknowledge their positive behavior by using verbal praise and Lakeside Way tickets. Each Wednesday, we will draw students' names to celebrate respectful, responsible, and safe behavior.

    Notes for next week:

    • Monday, Sept. 8- The first PTO meeting of the year will be at 6:00-7:00 pm in the art room. Please join us!
    • Wednesday, Sept. 10- Early release at 1:35 pm. 
    • We are still looking for a few parent volunteers at recess and lunch, specifically on Fridays, at 7:30-7:50am and 11:15-12:00pm. Please let me know if you can help!
    Look for a Paw Print newsletter with more information coming your way next Friday.
    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
    -Mrs. Ashton :)

    Friday, August 29, 2014

    Are YOU counting down?!

    Lakeside Families,

    We are just as excited as you are for the year to begin...and it's almost here! Here are a few notes for the first days of school.

    • We will have a Party on the Playground on the first day from 7:30-7:50 am. Parents are welcome to join us. :)
    • Kobussen sent out bus assignments late this week. The arrival time at school is early, 7:20 am. They will fix their routing so that students are dropped off at 7:30 am beginning the week of September 15. I will keep you updated through our blog and school newsletter. Please call if you have specific questions: 424.0131. 
    • We are still looking for parents to help with lunch and recess duty. If you can help, please email me as soon as possible! ( You can volunteer your time, or be paid $7.50/hour. Here are the times we still need help:
      • Monday-Friday- 11:15-12:00 pm (You can just work one or two days--up to you!)
      • Thursday and Friday- 7:30-7:50 am
    I wish you a wonderful long weekend ahead and last "hurrah" of summer!
    Mrs. Ashton 

    Tuesday, August 26, 2014

    Open House is tomorrow!

    Dear Lakeside Families,

    We are excited to see you tomorrow evening at Open House! Open House will be from 4:30-6:00 pm. Please enter through Door #1 in the front of the building. Please bring with you:

    • A recent family picture for our "School Family" bulletin board
    • $3 for headphone fees for new students and incoming kindergarteners only
    You will receive a welcome letter from your new teacher right away in the front lobby, so you know which classroom to go to! 
    Don't forget to join me for Popsicles with the Principal from 6:00-6:30, right after Open House!

    See you soon!
    -Mrs. Ashton

    Monday, August 18, 2014

    Registration and Open House Updates

    Hello Lakeside Families,

    By now you should have received your Registration packet in the mail.

    Registration is this Thursday, Aug. 21 from 10:30am-12:30pm and from 4:30-6:00pm. 

    • The purpose of Registration is to verify your child is coming to Lakeside and turn in all paperwork and payments.
    • You will need to write out multiple checks for food service, instructional material fees, agendas, and school pictures. If you pay with cash, please have the exact amount.

    Open House is next Wednesday, Aug. 27 from 4:30-6:00pm. 

    • The purpose of Open House is to meet your teacher, see the building, and drop off your school supplies.
    • New students will purchase their headphones ($3) at Open House.
    • Bring an updated family picture to put on our Lakeside School Family board in our lobby! 
    • Popsicles with the principal will be held right after Open House, from 6-6:30 on the playground.
    I look forward to seeing your family soon!
    -Mrs. Ashton

    Monday, August 4, 2014

    Updates in August

    Hello Lakeside Families,

    I hope your summer has been awesome so far. Has your family been on a picnic, gone camping or on a vacation, or visited a water park or pool this summer? Students, have you been reading and writing? I hope you've had enjoyable lazy days and fun-filled busy days. Get out and enjoy the last few weeks of summer--it sure does go by fast!

    Here are a few updates to share:

    Our entire district is shifting to a new student information system, so mailings and processes are slightly different this year.
    A mailing will be sent to you this week about creating an ID on our new student information system, Infinite CampusRegistration packets will be mailed home late next week.

    This year, I will host Popsicles with the Principal right after Open House on Wednesday, August 27 at 6:00-6:30 pm. Join me on the playground for a popsicle, tell me about your summer, and visit with new and old friends. I look forward to seeing you there!

    More updates to come in a couple weeks. Take care!
    -Mrs. Ashton

    Wednesday, July 2, 2014

    Summer Literacy Challenge: Have you started?

    Hi Lakeside Families,

    I hope you are enjoying the beginning of summer and are looking forward to the 4th of July weekend ahead. Has your child started the Literacy Challenge yet? Mrs. Carns, our literacy teacher, gave all students a challenge form and the goal is to earn 100 or more points on the literacy challenge. Students get points for completing different activities such as: going to the Oshkosh Public Library, keeping a summer reading log, making a grocery list, writing and mailing a letter, and many more. A special prize will be given when the form is returned to Mrs. Carns in the fall. If you need another copy of the form, email me and I will send it to you. (

    Take care and look for another blog update in a few weeks!

    Mrs. Ashton

    Thursday, June 12, 2014

    Staff update for 2014-15

    Lakeside Families,

    It has been an awesome school year! Thank you for your dedication to your child's school experience and to ongoing communication. We hope you have a safe, wonderful summer! Bookmark our school blog- I plan to post field day pictures and other updates throughout the summer.

    Here is a quick staff update for 2014-15:

    • Farewell to Mr. Guenther, our music teacher, who is retiring. We wish you the best, Mr. Guenther! 
    • Farewell to Mr. Schultz, who was replacing Mr. Guenther the last half of the year. He is moving to Shawano. Thank you for your service to Lakeside!
    • Farewell to Mrs. Baardsen, our speech pathologist. She will be servicing other schools in OASD. We wish you the best, Mrs. Baardsen!
    • Farewell to Ms. Krueger, our media specialist. She is moving to LaCrosse. Thank you for your service to Lakeside!
    • Farewell to Mr. Tigert, one of our food service workers. He will be working in food service on the north side of town next year. Good luck, Mr. Tigert!
    I will share who will fill each of these positions once hiring is complete. 

    Have a wonderful summer!
    -Mrs. Ashton and the Lakeside Staff :)

    Wednesday, June 4, 2014

    Author's Tea Event

    Thank you to all the families who joined us last Friday for our first Author's Tea event to celebrate our school improvement goal of improving narrative writing! We went from 1% of our Lakeside students proficient at narrative writing in the beginning of the school year to 55% of students proficient in May! What huge growth! Another 40% of students are basic, meaning they are improving their narrative writing skills, with some help and support from the teacher. Each child at Lakeside has grown tremendously as a writer this year...just take a look at some writing samples to see the great change!

    Here are some pictures from our fun Author's Tea event, where each child read a piece of their narrative writing to a small group. Four student authors were featured in front of the entire school. Congratulations Katrina (kindergarten), Adrea (first grade), Kaiya (second grade), and Jace (third grade), our four featured authors. We enjoyed listening to your stories! We wrapped up the event with cookies and lemonade.
    Way to go, Lakeside students in improving your writing skills this year! We are all proud!

    Mrs. Ashton and the Lakeside staff :)

    Thursday, May 22, 2014

    Crazy Hair Day!

    Check out our craziness from Crazy Hair Day this week!

    And, have a safe, relaxing, and fun Memorial Day weekend!

    Thursday, April 17, 2014

    Buddy Bench Fundraiser and Pictures!

    Dear Families,

    Our hat day fundraiser to support the buddy bench was a wonderful success. We raised $155 to go toward materials to build the buddy bench! We are fortunate to have a Lakeside student's family member build the buddy bench for us. Enjoy these pictures from our school-wide morning meeting on hat day. :)

    Wednesday, April 9, 2014

    Lakeside expansion on Board of Education Agenda Tonight!

    Hello Families,

    The survey results about a potential Lakeside expansion will be on tonight's School Board agenda. UW Oshkosh professors that created the survey and tabulated survey results will present the information, and a School Board workshop (discussion) will follow. No voting will take place tonight.

    You can come to the School Board meeting to hear the presentation and discussion or watch on TV. Otherwise, an update will be in the school newsletter on Friday.

    Stay tuned!

    Tuesday, March 18, 2014

    And the winners are...

    Look at these Irish kids! What great school spirit!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Thursday, March 13, 2014

    March Madness!

    Dear Lakeside Families,

    March Madness has certainly hit our school--take a look at our kindergarten team! What a spirited group of Dr. Seuss lovers! Our school dance is tomorrow night; we hope to see you all there! Next Monday is St. Patrick's Day. Let's see who can come to school looking the MOST IRISH!

    Wednesday, February 19, 2014

    Thursday, February 6, 2014

    Winter Walk AT School Day!


    It may be cold outside, but Lakeside students and staff are staying healthy and active! Yesterday, we participated in Winter Walk to School Day, but of course, we walked AT school! Enjoy a few pictures of us bundled up, and enjoying a beautiful walk!

    Tuesday, January 21, 2014

    Cardinal Skippers pictures!

    Enjoy these pictures from last week when the Cardinal Skippers jump rope team performed at Lakeside!
    Thank you to Mrs. Klas for sending in these pictures! :)

    Friday, January 10, 2014

    January 13-17 Update

    Dear Lakeside Families,

    Here are a few updates for next week:

    • Please join us on Monday, January 13 at 6pm for our PTO Meeting. Our superintendent, Stan Mack, will join us to talk about the future of Lakeside/Green Meadow. Hope to see you there!
    • We are fortunate to have the Cardinal Skippers, a local jump rope team, come to Lakeside on Wednesday, January 15 to perform for our students! 
    Have a wonderful, "warm" weekend!
    -Mrs. Ashton